
Every once in awhile you see the term selah written in the Psalms (and in Habakkuk a few times). This is a Hebrew term. Selah was built into Jewish worship – they would pause, grow quiet and reflect on what they had just read or sung. When I first learned this word, it struck me. Then…

Meaningful Midweek: Support the Farmers

This week’s Meaningful Midweek is going to be short and sweet. I have a Statistics Midterm that I have to get to (and have been studying frantically for all morning). One of my favorite things I have done up here in Bend is to volunteer for Agricultural Connections! Each week, I get the pleasure to…

Meaningful Midweek: Stop the Busy

Our lives run at a million miles a minute. Women say 6,000-8,000 words per day. Men: 2,000-4,000. We thrive on a full calendar. Social media keeps our brains and thumbs on a treadmill of status updates, photos, recipes and DIY ideas. And I think sometimes we just need to unplug… Each morning in Sant Cugat,…

Meaningful Midweek: Write Letters

If you missed it last week, Wednesdays are Meaningful Midweek day! Were you as silly as I was as a kid? I would check the mail every day I had the chance! And I was lucky to get mail once a month. I checked it every day though, just to be sure. There’s something about a…

Meaningful Midweek

Recently, a wise man (Ken Wytsma), said something like this: “To be human is to be dynamic.” And if we aren’t dynamic, we’re static. I keep turning this phrase over in my head and in between rolls the word “intentional” pops in. My life group and I have discussed and desired this word more times…