Give Up the Fight

His face was covered in dirt, picked up from an asphalt blacktop scattered with children. Tear stains had become smudges from an unwavering determination to clear the evidence of his frantic emotions.  Tossing and turning, he rolled across that blacktop, unaware that he was clearing hopscotch boards and pausing basketball games. I tried with my…


I apologize if you now have Braveheart scenes and speeches running through your head. Actually, I take that back. I’m not sorry. There’s nothing wrong with a little Braveheart in your heart! Before I go any further, congratulations to Kimberly, winner of the Moisturizing Cream! Check your inbox for instructions on how to get your…

Sun-dried Tomato and Basil Bison Meatballs

I think I’m in love. With a few things really. These meatballs. And this Orange Coconut Omelet. Let me tell you about this omelet. It’s like a crepe, fluffy and light. And it has been my favorite addition to my life during Whole30. Not that I wouldn’t have eaten it before, but I did all…

What I’m Loving Now (September)

Cheers, y’all! Something I’ve always enjoyed as I follow other bloggers has been “favorite” posts — the blogger shares all her (or his) favorite things lately. I have found some great products that way (including some listed here)! So here’s what I’m loving now! Topo Chico (pictured above) I was introduced to Topo Chico in…

Austin Adventures and a Giveaway

From the time I moved to Abilene, EVERYONE has told me I need to visit Austin! And two of my favorite people live there, so as soon as I arrived back in Texas I was anxious to get down there. Scott is one of my best friends from Biola! He and his beautiful wife, Elise,…