Sassy Sauce

I’m just going to be honest here. This recipe is my Paleo-ized version of the famous San Diego Bitchin’ Sauce. It’s amazing and is sold at all of my favorite farmer’s markets in San Diego. Which speaking of San Diego, I’ll be home in less than 3 weeks now! And then I’ll officially be a second year graduate student. That. Feels. So. Good. Let me tell you, the sweet Lord is GOOD. This year has been all kinds of crazy and yet full of so many blessings.

Anyway. This Bitchin’ Sauce is pretty tasty business, but it’s not 100% paleo and I don’t always live in San Diego. Sometimes I have to make my paleo way in Abilene, Texas.


You can dip your veggies in this sauce. Eat it on your eggs. Toss roasted cauliflower in it. Or just eat it by the spoonful. Not that I’ve done that…but maybe you could? That’s a lie. I totally do. It’s also a really good dip for some home made sweet potato wedges. The best part…it’s super easy and quick to make! The ingredients might not all be something you just have on hand, but you’ll want to so that you can make this again and again and again!


Sassy Sauce (Original)


3/4 c. + 2 tbsp. water
1/2 c. + 2 tbsp. light olive oil (the light part is important, you don’t want an olive-y flavor)
1/2 c. raw almonds
1/4 c. + 2 tbsp. lemon juice, fresh
3 tbsp nutritional yeast
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 tsp. coconut aminos
1 tsp. curry powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. chili powder
1/4 tsp. paprika
Roasted Red Pepper Option: add in about 1/2 cup roasted red peppers and use only 1/2 cup water (or less depending on the consistency you like).


  1. Place all dry ingredients (almonds, spices and nutritional yeast) in a food processor. Pulse until the almonds are well chopped and blend/puree until you have a “meal” consistency.
  2. Combine all the wet ingredients in a bowl and add about a 1/3 of the mixture at a time. Processing until smooth between each addition.
  3. Store in the refrigerator. The sauce may separate or thicken. Stir and it’s as good as new.

*It should last 3-4 weeks in the fridge thanks to the lemon juice, but mine never sticks around that long!


In other grad school news, I’ve officially completed 100 clinical hours (300 to go!) and received my placement for next year! I’ll be at an elementary school with a phenomenal speech pathologist. I came into grad school thinking I would never work in schools…I saw a lot in my two years working in special education that made me think that. But the truth is I love that population. This SLP that I’ll be working with spends a lot of her day with nonverbal children with autism. Those little ones I spent two years with stole my heart and I’m excited to work with them from the speech side!

Stay tuned for a giveaway from The Sox Box next week!

10 thoughts on “Sassy Sauce

  1. This recipe comes at the perfect time for me! We were just sampling the famous bitchin sauce yesterday (again!) at the Little Italy farmers market; its so good. We are officially giving paleo a 30 day trial starting tomorrow. I think I will be making this very soon! Thanks for the post Sarah.

    • I’m so glad!! Well I don’t have all the answers, but I’ve been eating paleo for a year so I know a lot of good places to look for recipes! 😉 Let me know if you need any suggestions! 😉

  2. have a great year at grad school! I love being an SLP in schools, especially with the Early Childhood Special Ed population. You’ll love elementary kids too. Enjoy! Those hours will pile up fast and soon you’ll be out of grad school and working.

    Thanks for the recipe. I must try this one!

  3. Hi Sarah! Thanks for the recipe; I am going to make it tonight. I have been Paleo for about 18 months, and am just wrapping up a Whole30 Challenge. Good luck in grad school! I have been a Speech-Language Pathologist for many years – in schools, health care and private practice. I love that our profession offers so many options and opportunities!

    • Kathleen, it’s so nice to “meet” you! I have also been Paleo for 18 months and I finished my first Whole30 at the end of September! And you’re an SLP! We have so much in common! 🙂 Let me know what you think about the sassy sauce!

  4. Great recipe but it came out a little thin. You need to double the amount of almonds to get the thickness you need or use almond flour at that amount. Thanks!

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